Welcome to Elixir Haven NFT

Where medical specialization meets the digital world
Join us in a world of medical specialists creating an utopia for everyone

Discover the Magic of Elixir Haven NFTs

Embark on a journey to explore the enchanting features of our NFTs

Elixir Haven: A Utopia of Wellness

 Step into a world free from disease, where tranquility and pain-free living reign. Elixir Haven is the embodiment of our power to rise above ailments and find solace. To some, it's a corner of the world that offers unparalleled comfort and to others a state of mind!

Our NFTs

Elixir Haven NFTS are a fixed set of 1512 medical certifications. Each NFT confers mastery over a particular diagnosis/ specialisation. Each of these specialists are Board certified! 

Why should you join the community?

Immerse yourself in the enchanting process of exploring, collecting, and engaging with our extraordinary NFTs. Find joy in every step and embrace the magic that unfolds. Ownership of the NFT confers:

  • Membership of the prestigious World Board of Elixir Haven with access to member's only content
  • Ambassadorship and being a representative of Elixir Haven for that particular certification at all future events including charity and awareness events.
  •  Practicing physician in our future Virtual world.
  • Voting rights at our annual Board meeting to drive the project forward 

For others, their haven is in having certification over their present ailment. Enjoy the limitless potential of our NFTs.

Elixir Haven Project Development Timeline

  • 1

    2022: Foundation and Development

    May to October: Conceptualization and Research
    - Defined the scope and objectives of the medical NFT platform.
    - Conducted market research and identified potential stakeholders.
    - Developed a comprehensive project plan.
    November to December: Team Formation and Legal Compliance
    - Assembled a multidisciplinary team including developers, designers, and legal experts.
    - Ensured compliance with healthcare regulations and NFT-related legalities.

  • 2

    2023: Platform Architecture and Design

     - Outlined the technical architecture of the platform. - Outlined the technical architecture of the platform.

     - Designing the user interface and experience.

     - Established smart contract protocols for NFT creation and management.

    Launched NFT collection on opensea to fundraise for continued project development 


  • 3

    2024: Prototype Development

    1st Quarter
    - Begin coding the minimum viable product (MVP) for the medical NFT platform and Elixir Haven metaverse
    - Implement basic integration features such as ownership tracking and access to member's only content and confering ambassadorship roles
    2nd-3rd Quarter: MVP Testing
    - Conduct thorough testing of the MVP and virtual platform internally.

    4th Quarter: Security Audits and Compliance

    - Perform security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities.
    - Ensure the platform complies with additional regulatory requirements.
    - Develop partnerships with medical institutions for data validation.
    - Enhance the platform with additional features like interoperability with existing medical systems, customizable NFT attributes, and advanced analytics.
    - Prepare for the official launch.

  • 4

    2025: Welcome to the most thrilling digital medical Virtual World with real life use cases impacting real lives!

    Ambassadorship programs: Each NFT holder starts to plan/host an event (e.g., fundraising, raising awareness, charity, etc.) based on their NFT certificate organized by Elixir Haven

    First Annual Board meeting

Make a Donation or Partner with us

If you feel compelled to donate to our developing project, you can do so via our project wallet address: 0x346f641d12C5B642AD6e7075C11cDb27Ec7a6469

Do leave us a message at [email protected] for us to reach out to you in appreciation for your gesture. 

If there is a way your project can partner with us in line with our cause, feel free to reach out to us via email or twitter via our contacts page.

Our cooperating partners

Ready to join Elixir Haven NFT? Get your NFT today!

Built on Unicorn Platform